5 Ways to Get Unstuck in Life

Mar 18, 2022

Think about the different opportunities that has crossed your path or changes around you. What has been your reaction? Are you working out what your part is in it all and looking for a way forward? Or are you in a state of it’s just too overwhelming so I’ll just let it be?’

 The first question is: ‘Will you recognise it if you are stuck in your life?’ Stuck according to the Cambridge English Dictionary means ‘unable to move from a particular position or place, or unable to change a situation’, it also states it as ‘unable to move, or set in a particular position, place, or way of thinking’ or ‘in a difficult situation, or unable to change or get away from a situation’.

Now, the context that is being considered here is your life situation which could be in respect to your job, career, business, finance, family, relationships and so on. So, going back to the definitions, finding yourself in a difficult situation and feeling unable to change it or get away from it gives a sense of being stuck in life. This could be because you feel you are unable to move or you feel locked into a particular position, place which may be maintained by a way of thinking or external circumstances.

Here are 5 ways you could consider working through getting unstuck from certain life situations at different stages of your journey:

#1 Embrace change. Life does not stand still, eras comes and goes, empires rise and fall, a younger generation’s s ideals replaces the older generation’s ideals, technology continues to evolve.  The world is changing and continues to change. So, how you embrace the change will make a difference to your life. Your thoughts determine how you feel. Then how you feel drives your actions. Therefore, it is helpful for you to consider different aspects of the change and allow it to broaden your perspective and let your thinking evolve. It helps if you are able to adapt to changes that are inevitable. 

#2 Accept yourself - don’t waste time feeling sorry for yourself. Be honest with yourself about your strengths and limitations. Work on further developing your strengths and get people around you whose strength can support your limitations. Naturally, you might find you like pleasing people. Why give away your power? You can’t please everyone. Celebrate another person’s success. Remember failure is temporary if you take it as a feedback. Learn from mistakes, yours and others. Let go of regrets. Don’t let limiting beliefs hold you down or back.


#3 Be intentional about life and the future. Set short term, medium term and long term goals. Revise goals when necessary but stick with your goals until achieved. Rise to challenges in all aspects of your life with integrity. Don’t be risk adverse, take some risk to step out of your comfort zone, calculated risk to do something new and adventurous risk to reach higher heights in life.


#4 Be accountable to yourself and others. Don’t feel the world owes you something. Make a positive difference in your circle of influence. Life consist of processes - some process may move quickly and others go at a steady pace. Processes gets you into situations whether good or bad and processes can lead you to change, if you are patient and can persevere.


#5 Have a good support system. Your support system starts with your selfcare. We all have a stress container, invisible to other but it is very much a part of our daily lives. Your stress container maybe small, medium, large or extra-large but as you go about life the stress container is filling up with whatever triggers stress for you. It is important to note that your stress limit is different from others. So, you can manage your stress level by doing what you enjoy, that helps you to relax or release built-up tension. This forms part of your self-care. Make sure you have regular self-care activities. Next things to note is that no one is an island. Make time for those who care about you and be supportive of them too. Allow your various relationships to enrich your life. Also, be ready to let go of relationships that are toxic and has a negative impact on your wellbeing. Faith and spirituality are core to your being, don’t neglect it. A number of researches have shown that faith and spirituality contributes happiness and wellbeing.


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